Sleep Assessment

Epworth Sleepiness Scale

In contrast to just feeling tired, how likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations? Even if you have not done some of these activities recently, try to think about how they could affect you. Use the following scale to choose the best number for each situation.

0 = Would never dose/nod/fall asleep
1 = Slight chance of dozing/nodding/falling asleep
2 = Moderate chance of dozing/nodding/falling asleep
3 = High chance of dozing/nodding/falling asleep


If you scored a 10 or higher, we can help.
For further evaluation contact your health care provider or the Center for Respiratory & Sleep Medicine (CRSM) at 317-885-2334.

STOP-BANG Assessment


If you scored a 3 or higher, we can help.
For further evaluation contact your health care provider or the Center for Respiratory & Sleep Medicine (CRSM) at 317-885-2334.